The Snyder Cut trailer for the Justice League is here, as planned. HBO Max and
Warner Bros. unveiled a new two-minute look at the Justice League of Zack Snyder that
gives us a bunch of new footage, including from the October 2020 production involving,
among others, Jared Leto, Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Ray Fisher, and Amber Heard,
and reshapes the narrative that a four-hour movie must now survive.

Originally, Snyder had intended to release it as a four-part miniseries followed by a
a single, very long film, but it seems like half of those plans were axed.
At the outset of the Justice League Snyder Cut trailer, " The bell has been rung," Lex
Luthor (Jesse Eisenberg) intones in the most sinister of accents, as we are shown a
screaming Superman (Henry Cavill) in slow-mo.
Over shots of a devastating human city and far off in Themyscira as a building collapses,
Luthor continues: “Out in the dark, among the stars, the god is dead.”
The Justice League Snyder Cut trailer soundtrack picks up as we cut to Batman (Ben
Affleck) saying: “I had a dream, almost like a premonition,” while we see an alien
spacecraft hovering and laying waste to another city, and Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot)
surveying the inside of an ancient structure where she discovers a carving that looks
like Darkseid? Elsewhere, Darkseid (Ray Porter) and Granny Goodness (it seems) walk
behind their boss DeSaad (Peter Guinness). Enter Steppenwolf (Ciarán Hinds) who
promises “his lord” that has fire oozing out of him that “this world will fall”. He's referring
to our world, naturally.
Steppenwolf battles the Amazonians led by their Queen Hippolyta (Connie Nielsen),
while at a different point in space and time, Bruce Wayne (Affleck) remarks: “I need
warriors. I'm building an alliance to defend ourselves.” Cue shots of the titular group,
consisting of Wonder Woman, Aquaman (Jason Momoa), Cyborg (Ray Fisher) with a
cannon strapped to his back, Flash (Ezra Miller) — and Batman himself. Alfred
Pennyworth (Jeremy Irons) questions the strength of Batman's squad and warns him: “If
you can't bring down the charging bull, then don't wave the red cape at it.”
" For a reason, you were sent here. Superman's late father Jonathan Kent (Kevin
Costner) puts in a voiceover in the Justice League Snyder Cut trailer, and even if it
takes you the rest of your life, figure out what the explanation is. While he talks
specifically to his foster son, he also speaks to the rest of the party, who are all searching for the " reason."
As the Justice League Snyder Cut trailer builds to a crescendo with action snippets,
Wonder Woman adds: “You said the age of heroes would never come again.” Batman
replies: “It will. It has to.”
After the Zack Snyder's Justice League title card, Jared Leto's new Joker avatar makes
his first appearance: “We live in a society where honor is a distant memory. Isn't that
right, Batman?”