In order to reduce the problem over the availability of medical oxygen for covid-19 people, the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) is speeding up ventilator studies.

ISRO Chairman K. Sivan
In May 2020, three ventilator models were unveiled by the Vikram Sarabhai Space Center (VSSC) under Isro in Thumba. Two of them are being tested. Isro also supplies its cryogenic motors with fluid oxygen from the industry.
"Last year, when the Covid-19 cases pandemic hit the world, we began working on fans. The work on fans slowed down later on, however, because the covid 19 cases began to fall. Our ventilator systems are clinically tested and can be time-consuming. With the present situation, however, we will speed up tests so that these fans can be accessed as soon as possible," a senior scientist at the VSSC asked for anonymity.
The government requested assistance from Isro, because of lack of supplies of oxygen, as deaths in hospitals.
"Isro has been reached by the government. This is more a logistics problem than a lack of oxygen. Whenever it wants, Isro itself supplies the industry with oxygen. We try to find out how to support the Central Government in this area," said a senior officer in the Space Department who was also unwilling to be identified.
The development was not immediately commented on by senior officials of the Union Minister for Health and Family Welfare.
Including a national cover tracker "Bhuvan-COVID-19" developed by Isro's National Remote Sensing Center, Isro offers geospatial tools and location-based solutions.
Meanwhile, aircraft of the Indian Air Force have been put in use to reduce oxygen tankers' journey time.
The Ministry of Health and Isro officials have not answered phone calls for comments.
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Source- LiveMint