artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to play a key role in the growth of Indian agriculture, relieving the sector of stressful conditions and catalysing a move toward data-driven farming.

The agriculture sector is currently facing many major challenges, including data consolidation, infrastructure knowledge in data processing, and data availability.
Revenue development, creativity, and farmer/end-customer experience are priority areas for AI, according to the survey findings.
According to a Nasscom-Ernst & Young study titled "Leveraging AI to optimise India's agriculture productivity," artificial intelligence (AI) is expected to play a key role in the growth of Indian agriculture, relieving the sector of stressful conditions and catalysing a move toward data-driven farming.
Despite being an agrarian economy, the Indian agriculture sector faces a number of challenges that prevent it from reaching its full potential. “However, a strong transformation impetus is underway, with increased government funding, increasing agritech providers, burgeoning startup ecosystem, and rising AI adoption among the rural farming population," Nasscom said in a statement.

Data consolidation, a lack of infrastructure awareness in data processing, and data availability are only a few of the industry's current challenges. In addition, the sector faces challenges such as a lack of information about agricultural inputs, access to high-quality seeds, insufficient irrigation facilities, and a shortage of farmer resources.
“AI has the ability to alleviate much of the sector's stressful input conditions, catalysing a transition toward data-driven farming,” says the study. "Using macro and farm-level data collected via sensors to maximise yields and optimise the use of available resources would help maximise yields and optimise the use of available resources," Nasscom said.
Via good data practises, the Indian agriculture sector will take advantage of AI's disruptive capabilities. The Netherlands is a shining example of how AI can be used successfully in agriculture. Using value-added technology and artificial intelligence, the country has risen to become the world's second-largest exporter of agricultural products, despite having only a small arable land "Nasscom President Debjani Ghosh said.
“A coalition of government, industries, and startups is needed for India to realise the full potential of AI by providing necessary infrastructure and policy support, enabling AI innovation across sectors, and mentoring and providing financial support to startups,” says the report "she continued.
Revenue development, creativity, and farmer/end-customer experience are priority areas for AI in agriculture enterprises, according to the survey findings. In addition, businesses see a dedicated AI plan and budget as a crucial prerequisite for scaling AI projects across the enterprise after Covid-19.
Nasscom announced that it will continue its efforts to catalyse AI adoption in India by enabling co-innovation and co-creation with startups, developing hackathon platforms for ideation and building of creative solutions, promoting research, and collaborating with the government to develop AI policy framework.

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Source- Mint