Millions of people have been safely vaccinated against COVID-19 around the world, putting us all one step closer to doing more of the things we enjoy with the people we care for. Many people are eagerly anticipating the COVID-19 vaccinations, but others are understandably concerned about the vaccination process and what to expect when it is their turn. Being vaccinated is a big deal for you, your family, your community, and the rest of the world.
So, here are some suggestions for what to do before, during, and after a COVID-19 vaccination in South Asia.
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Before Vaccination
Have some Research:
Learn more about the various COVID-19 vaccines and how they function, as well as how vaccinations are being implemented in South Asia.
Make sure you're getting reliable vaccine information from a reputable source, such as the local Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization, or UNICEF.
Vaccine information you find online should be double-checked, particularly if it comes from unknown sources.
If you have any concerns, speak with a member of the staff at your local Health Facility or a health worker.

Make your preparations:
Make sure you have what you need:-
A mask that fits snugly and securely over your nose and mouth.
Hand sanitizer is a must-have item.
You should have received a notification about your appointment.
Your ID (as appropriate for your country).
To get to your appointment on time, you'll need a travel schedule.
Wear sleeveless or short-sleeved shirts that can be rolled up to give health workers easy access to your shoulder.
If you have some health problems or are taking any drugs, including pain relievers, tell your doctor or vaccinator.
If you have COVID-19 or the symptoms, you can cancel your appointment
Do not attend your vaccine appointment if you have COVID-19 or the symptoms on the day of the appointment. This is due to the risk of spreading the virus to other people at the vaccination center.
Notify your vaccination center, via message, phone call, or email, that you will be unable to attend your appointment due to COVID-19 symptoms.
When it's been 14 days since you've had COVID-19 symptoms, you will get vaccinated.
At the Vaccination Centre
When you're outside the vaccination Centre waiting in line, and once you're inside:
Make sure you're wearing your mask at all times.
Once your mask is on and correctly fitted, don't touch it.
Maintain a distance of at least 1 metre between yourself and others.
After touching door handles, surfaces, or furniture, sanitize or wash your hands.
Keep your hands away from your face.

During Vaccination
Regardless of the manufacturer, all COVID-19 vaccines are given in the same way. The vaccine would be inserted into the upper arm muscle. It should only take a few seconds and can cause some pain.
Keep your mask on and turn your face away from the vaccinator's face during your appointment to keep you both safe.

If you're nervous or anxious, do the following:
Keep in mind that it's just a prick that might save your life.
Slowly inhale and exhale deeply.
Keep your eyes away from the needle.
After Vaccination
Minor side effects are possible:
Some side effects are common and anticipated after vaccination. Side effects indicate that the body is developing immune protection.
The following are some of the most common COVID-19 vaccine side effects:
Pain, swelling, and redness on the arm where the vaccine was given.
Chills or a minimal fever.
Muscle aches or joint pain
These side effects usually disappear after a few days.

Stay at the vaccine clinic for the duration of your observation period:
After you've been vaccinated, you'll have to wait 15-30 minutes in an examination region.
This is done to keep track of your response to the vaccine to ensure you don't have any serious side effects.
Severe side effects are rare, but they may include:
Severe allergic reaction
Wheezing, difficulties in breathing, or shortness of breathing.
If you experience any of these side effects, contact your doctor right away.
Although severe side effects are extremely rare, they are most likely to occur within the first 30 minutes of vaccination. If you remain in the observation room, you'll have access to trained assistance in the unlikely event that you need it.
Make sure you're ready for your second vaccine appointment:
Most COVID-19 vaccines require two doses to be effective. This means you'll need to get vaccinated annually, with a four- to the twelve-week interval between the first and second doses.
Make sure you know when your next vaccine appointment is before you leave your first one.
And if you have side effects from the first dose, it's important that you get your second dose unless a vaccine provider or your doctor advises you not to.
When you arrive at your home
Look after yourself:
If you have side effects, they can make it difficult for you to perform everyday tasks for a few days.
For 1-2 days, some people can experience fever, muscle pain, and swelling, redness, pain, or a tingling feeling at the injection site. Make sure you're getting enough water.
All of these sensations can be relieved with paracetamol. If you do, make sure you obey the pharmacist's or provider's dosage guidance.
Tell the health care provider who gave you the vaccine if the symptoms become more serious or last longer than a week.
Take good care of the arm in which the vaccine was injected:
Apply a cold, clean, wet washcloth to the region where you received the vaccine to relieve any pain or discomfort.

Make a note of your second vaccine appointment:
As previously stated, most COVID-19 vaccines need two doses to be effective. Your body needs time to develop immunity, and you may not be safe against the virus until two weeks after your second vaccine.
It could be several weeks or longer between your first and second appointment, so make sure you remember!
Make a note of the date of your second vaccination appointment on your calendar and keep the details of your appointment somewhere confidential.
Continue to practice preventative measures:
It's important that you want to take precautions after you've been vaccinated. This is because COVID-19 vaccinations have been shown to protect people from contracting the virus, but we don't yet know whether they still prevent people from infecting others.
Continue to protect yourself and others by doing the following:-
As much as possible, wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use hand sanitizer.
Maintaining a distance of at least 1 metre between yourself and others.
Meeting people in well-ventilated or open spaces is preferable.
When you can't keep your distance from anyone or are in a public room, you should wear a mask.
This is especially important until two weeks after your second vaccination - as, during this period, your body is still building protection against the virus.
Being vaccinated is a tremendous accomplishment and a huge relief — take care! Discuss your experiences with others. Encourage you to get vaccinated, and share your experiences and feelings about the procedure.
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Source: Unicef