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Writer's pictureAmisha Debnath

My girl just got her PERIODS

Hey! today's chat is about the most difficult situation a boy face with her girl that is the girl's her time. I mean periods. When your girlfriend is on her time, she can turn into a Godzilla or a

lost puppy and you think what just happen to her? But guys, believe me, it's normal. When Aunt Flow comes to town, even the most patient boyfriend's first instinct may be to hide and wait for her to leave. Unfortunately, this isn't always the best course of action because it makes her feel like the world's most ugly girl, and she may become frustrated or annoyed. I know many boys get panicked but try not to behave like this.

For the boys who are in a new relationship or have been in a long relationship but don't know how to handle the situation, keep in mind that your girl may need you around to distract her from her discomfort. When your girl is riding the crimson wave, it could be the perfect time for you to step up and prove to her that you are the man enough to take care of her.

Instead of being the guy who panics or bolts, be a guy who pampers her until she feels a lot better. For this, I will help you out. So, let's look downwards for some short tips.

Do not blame anything on her time (period)! You may believe that her anxiety, bad mood, and mood swings are all due to her time. You could be correct! However, this does not imply that you would say it aloud. If anything happens,  all this will accomplish is to make your girl believe that you are blaming her genuine emotions on her periods. Second, when it comes to their time, women have very little control over how they feel. It's a biological process that has an impact on her behavior. Bringing up the fact that her body is causing her to act irrationally will only aggravate her and make her frustration worse!

Don't bring up the subject of blood, mood swings, or hormones. Unless you're a doctor, your girl will have a better understanding of what's going on with her body than you do. It's probably best to avoid the subject altogether unless you want her to go into gruesome detail about what's going on down there. You don't want her to start telling you about what's going on only to have to stop because you're cringing so hard it appears that you're the one in pain.

Avoid telling her anything that could irritate her. Your girl may be a sensible and laid-back person in general. When she's on her period, however, she may not respond as casually as she would on a regular day. So, before you tell her your honest opinion on one of her all-time favorite movies or casually mention an out-of-town trip with just the guys, wait until she's not quite so moody. When she's already battling her hormones, anything that causes a smidgeon of frustration could quickly escalate into a full-fledged rage. With that said... At least until her periods are over.

Carefully and politely respond to your Girl's questions. Women may not know it, but there are moments when we are helpless to stop men from being the center of attention. We ask you questions for which there is no correct answer. And if you try to answer our question "you poor, poor soul," you may be met with a barrage of angry words, tears, and the threat of breaking up. "Do you think I'm getting fat?" is an example of a volatile question. Consider whether now is a good time, to be honest, or if I should try to give her the answer she wants. Allowing her to hear what she needs to hear will increase your chances of surviving the day without conflict. Now the choice is yours, I'm just giving you suggestions.

Try to be as patient as possible. Keep in mind that her current state won't last more than a few days. She'll be back to her old self after that. "It's best to get to know this side of her sooner rather than later," keep telling yourself as you are the target of her hormonal anger. That should make things a little easier for you. Also, just to be sure, it's a good idea to be extra nice during these times. Keep words like "I'm sorry," "you are correct," and "It's fine with me" in your vocabulary for use in conversations that are teetering on the line between argument and conversation.

Make food for her. It can be tedious to be leaking blood and bloated. However, it can sap a woman's energy to the point where she is too exhausted to cook. In these situations, her favorite meal is one of the best gifts you can give her. Women in their period may exhibit symptoms similar to those of pregnant women, such as developing unusual cravings. It's best to ask her what she wants before going out and getting it for her in situations like these. 

Watch a movie with her. When a woman is on her period, she may experience some discomfort. As a result, you and your girl may be stuck at home during these periods. When she's in pain and cranky, you don't want to be surrounded by idleness. As a result, the most allowable activity is to watch a movie. Now, for the sake of her hormones, stay away from anything too tragic or emotional. You want to give her something to do that will keep her mind occupied without making her cry. As a result, films like "A Walk to Remember" and "Titanic" are off the table. Try something mind-bending like a Christopher Nolan film. If that's not her cup of tea, lighthearted comedies might suffice. A list of comedy movies, you may use them.

Inviting your girl to participate in physical activities is a good idea. Moving around and getting some exercise can help to release endorphins, which can help with menstrual pain relief. Jogging and speed walking are two activities that will help her get rid of cramps and bloating. However, for obvious reasons, it may be best to save the water sports for another day. Some women believe that being physically active during their time helps to increase blood flow, resulting in shorter period days. This is, of course, excellent news for you!

Get a little naughty. According to some experts, having sex or simply engaging in foreplay will help relieve period cramps. This is a debatable claim, so it's largely a matter of personal preference if you want to do this sort of thing. However, if you're up for it and she's willing to get naughty with you, go ahead. Just keep in mind that she may be feeling particularly unattractive at this time of the month. There's also the fact that it can become a shambles. I  recommend doing it in the shower to make cleaning a little easier.

Ask about what you can do to help her. There is no magic pill that can make a woman feel better during her period. Every woman has her own set of preferences. So, if you want to be safe, just ask her what you can do to assist her. Whether it's rushing to the store to get tampons, which we hope you won't have to do or helping her with the chores, keep in mind that she's probably in a lot of pain and that simple tasks can mean the world to her. Imagine if you were bleeding from your nether regions and had to run to the store for tampons. You probably wished to have someone nearby to assist you as well! Just remember that when she's on her period, it'll only be for a couple of days. Treat her like a queen for those few days, and try to do so with a simple smile on your face. She'll remember how nice you were to her back then, and that's always a good thing in any relationship.

Be there for her. Take her in your arms when she needs you. Allowing her to sleep in your arms can make her feel at ease. Being present and sweet is enough to make anyone feel better.

These suggestions may help you to deal with your girl in her time.

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Well that was an amazing one to read, loved it!❤


Shubhra protim Halder
Shubhra protim Halder

Good one!

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